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Cotton Babies Cloth Diapers Lanolizing Wool Soakers

Thinking about wool diapers?

There are many reasons for choosing wool. 

Wool diapers are a great daytime or overnight option! Wool cloth diapers don't have to be washed for weeks. It is a natural fiber, renewable, breathable, and while the care of wool diaper covers is a little pickier than most other cloth diapering options, the times it needs care and attention are few and far between.

One of the best reasons for wool diapers is that no other fabric breathes like it and still contains the mess.

How Wool Works

To make your wool water-resistant, you must lanolize it (see below). Lanolin is a waxy substance naturally found on the wool of sheep to protect their skin. Wool treated with lanolin makes moisture-resistant and helps with the smell too!  The diaper underneath to absorb until it is completely saturated. Once the diaper is saturated, the wool takes over and starts absorbing as well! Wool can absorb quite a bit without ever feeling the wetness!

Here are some great brands of wool diapers that we love! 

SLOOM | Sustainablebabyish | Wooly Bottoms 

Cloth Diapers: Lanolizing Wool Covers
Its easy to lanolize your wool covers. Heat one cup of water along with 1 teaspoon of lanolin (the same pure lanolin you might be using for nipple cream will work well). Put the mixture in a small container and shake until the lanolin is completely dissolved. Add the mixture to eight cups of warm water. You can use an Ivory soap bar to gently rub out anything needing special attention. Allow to soak for fifteen minutes or so. Swish the cover gently through the water to make sure the lanolin is in the wool. Do not rinse the lanolin out of the wool cover. Roll in a towel to remove excess water and lay the cover flat to dry.

As an alternative to lanolizing, you may choose to handwash your wool covers with a lanolin soap. The type of soap you use may determine how often you have to lanolize. We recommend LANA 20% lanolin soap to wash and lanolize your wool covers at the same time. This is a no-rinse soap and can allow you to go up to three to four weeks between washings.

When is it time to lanolize?
It is probably time to lanolize if you start to notice your wool cover wicking moisture, developing an odor or getting wet to the touch between diaper changes (assuming that the diaper isn't completely saturated).

How to Wash Wool Diapers

Be sure to lanolinize your wool diapers, as long as it isn’t soiled, a wool cover can be used over and over without washing for weeks! Lay flat to dry.