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Real Mom Talk: Mommy Time
May 14, 2014 5:23 pm | by

Evidently, being a mother means never going to the bathroom alone, always sharing your food, late nights and early mornings, and having to change cloth diapers,  clean up snot, poop, and vomit on a regular basis. Welcome to motherhood! As a mother, I rarely get time to myself to even think but it’s very important that I do get some “me” time here and there. And you need it too!! 

Being a woman is not easy. (Being a person in general isn’t easy!) But women seem to have things constantly on their shoulders. I know I always have a meal to plan, a room to clean, bills to pay, a list to make, kids to entertain, and a husband to make happy. We HAVE to remember to just sit back and take even the smallest break to not lose our sanity! Here are a few things you can do for yourself: 

Go to the spa. This could mean you get a pedicure or a manicure, get your hair cut, or get a massage. Whatever you decide to do, do it for yourself to make you feel good about yourself. I get my hair cut about once a year (awful, I know) but it reminds me how pretty I am and gives me that extra boost of confidence in the world.

Take a bath. When I say take a bath, I mean by yourself. Get some bubble bath, light some candles, and pour yourself a glass of wine. Turn on some calming music and just relax. If you can’t squeeze in a bubble bath, at least attempt a shower with peace and quiet. 

Sleep in. Every mother is sleep deprived. It doesn’t matter if your child is waking you up every 3 hours or if he/she has slept through the night for months. Something is always on your mind and when you’re trying to sleep, thoughts tend to soar. Ask your partner to take morning duty every once in a while. Your body will thank you!

Go on a date night. While I rarely get a babysitter, we enjoy our date nights. They’re important in our relationship. This gives a little bit more time to reconnect with the person you love and talk without screaming. It’s amazing!! 

Lock yourself in the bathroom. Yep. I said it. Some days, I get the kids distracted with coloring, a movie, or playing and lock myself in the bathroom for five minutes. It’s just needed. I need just a tad bit of time by myself. 

About the Author

Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of three who keep her on her toes! Her family resides in Columbus, Ohio — the Buckeye state! She ventured into cloth diapering a little "late," but is a firm believer in "better late than never!" Amanda enjoys her morning coffee, spending time with her littles, buying too many cloth diapers, much-needed pedicures and the rare date night with her husband. Get to know Amanda on her personal blog, Fluff Bum Babies. Instagram: @FluffBumBabiesMama


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