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The Spring Weather Clothing Puzzle
March 10, 2008 12:47 pm | by

I realize that in many places Spring weather hasn’t yet hit. But here in my neck of the woods it is creeping up fast.

One of the difficult things about Spring is that I never know what to wear. In one day the temps can go from cold to hot and back again and while that is only a minor annoyance for a grown-up, it is a little trickier for babies. Cold babies are crabby babies, hot babies are crabby babies, but babies who are just right are happy. And since happy babies make happy parents, we want to dress our babies for comfort.

Little babies are easy. You put a blanket on them when they are cold and take it off when they are too warm. But once babies are sitting and moving a little, they don’t want you restricting them with a blanket. They would rather be cold than held still thankyouverymuch.

Now is the time for more flexible clothing. Here is an example from just the other day around here. Saturday was a busy day, we had an afternoon of shopping and it was warm, Lily wore just a diaper, onesie, socks and Robeez (because otherwise she takes her socks off). Then later on we were inside for a while, so I put her Babylegs on and tucked her in the sling. But even later we had dinner outside, so I put a hat on her head and a fleece sleeper over all of it. (Minus the Robeez.) The best part was that with the babylegs on her, diaper changing was still a breeze even when dealing with layers. I hate having to take their pants all the way off, then unsnap the onesie, then change the diaper, then put the pants back on. But I am just lazy that way, I suppose. The Babylegs just stay where they are and the diaper changing is fast. (And they are so SOFT! Even with chunky thighs, I have yet to see any red marks from where the Babylegs are.)

We will be out and about a lot in the coming weeks and you can be sure that a pair of babylegs will now be a staple in my diaper bag. Onesie, check. Baby sweater, check. Baby hat, check. Babylegs, double check. We’ll be ready for anything.

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  • JenGroft said...
    March 15, 2008 at 11:17 am

    Jenn posted about choosing a system HERE. Really, a six month chubby baby is a great time to try out cloth. (Since it is what I have right now!) Pockets like bumGenius are a great place to start. Buying just a few of those can allow you to try it out on a few changes per day. I do still love my prefolds with a hook/loop closing cover. Right now we use Kissaluvs or prefolds during the day and bumGenius at night. Remember that even if you are just doing cloth part time, you still need to wash every other day or so. You can contact CottonBabies directly with questions or ask at the CottonBabies Forum as well.

  • Mary Alice said...
    March 13, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    This is a neat blog, and perhaps I have finally found the help that I am looking for — I am open to cloth if someone would just tell me what to buy — there are too many choices, I am overwhelmed and confused. So, for a nicely chubby 6 month old, what do I actually want? AIOs? Stuffers? Fleece? Hemp? I get so confused that I tend to shut down!

    The stores seem apt to tell me that I am going to need to find what works best for my family, but there seems like a lot of effort and trial and error in that, so what works best for you?

  • Jenny said...
    March 11, 2008 at 10:33 am

    My daughter screams, rolls, and tries to crawl away when I am changing her diaper and putting her clothes back on, so we are big babylegs fans too! Anything to expedite that process is wonderful.